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a cat in an old chinese kimono standing on a street with lanterns.

qijie chen


Walking animation, walking, action,




Date Created

March 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: i can provide a summary of features a beautiful cat wearing a traditional japanese kimono walking down a narrow street lined with red lanterns at night. the cat has a black bow around its neck and seems to be enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. its movements are fluid and graceful, making it a visually striking and relaxing video.
Prompt 2: i can provide a summary of a beautiful cat wearing a traditional japanese kimono walking down a narrow street with red lanterns hanging from the trees at night. the cat has a black bow tied around its neck and its movements are fluid and graceful, making it a visually striking and relaxing video. the cat's kimono is red and white and adds to its overall beauty. overall, it is a stunning and peaceful video that showcases the cat's grace and elegance.