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the boy is flying in the sky.

Wenchao Xiao


a young boy and girl riding on a skateboard and scooter, respectively, with a stunning view of the mountains in the background. the boy is wearing an orange helmet, while the girl is wearing a black and orange helmet. both children are smiling and enjoying the thrill of riding their bikes. the scene is filled with vibrant colors and a beautiful landscape, making it a fun and enjoyable video.




Date Created

March 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a young girl standing on a rocky mountain with a backpack, looking confident and adventurous. the clear blue sky with a few clouds in the background creates a breathtaking view. the slow-motion format adds a dramatic and cinematic feel.
Prompt 2: features a young girl in an orange and blue jacket standing on a rocky mountain with a backpack, looking confident and adventurous. the clear blue sky with a few clouds in the background creates a stunning view. the slow-motion format gives it a dramatic and cinematic feel.