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a group of frogs in green hoods with their mouths open.

Алексей Бумагин


a group of frog puppets with different expressions, including one with a green jacket and a red and black hat. the puppets have different facial expressions, and some of them have their mouths open. the puppets are standing on a black background, and has a fast-paced and dynamic feel to it.




Date Created

March 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a group of frog puppets with different expressions, including one in a green jacket and a red and black hat. the puppets have different facial expressions, and some of them have their mouths open. they are standing on a black background, and has a fast-paced and dynamic feel to it.
Prompt 2: a group of frog puppets with various expressions, including one in a green jacket and a red and black hat. the puppets have different facial expressions and some of them have their mouths open. they are standing on a black background, and has a fast-paced and dynamic feel to it.