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the man is standing in the desert with a sword in his hand.



is a fantasy scene featuring a muscular man standing on a rocky mountain with a castle in the background. the man has a strong and powerful build, with a large beard and muscular arms. he is wearing a black shirt and standing on a large boulder, surrounded by a cloudy sky. the background has a dark blue color with a full moon in the sky. there are no other objects or people in the scene, and overall, has a fantasy theme with a strong and powerful protagonist.




Date Created

March 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: depicts a muscular man standing on a rocky mountain with a castle in the background, creating a fantasy scene. the man has a powerful build, a large beard, and muscular arms. he is wearing a black shirt, standing on a large boulder surrounded by a cloudy sky with a full moon in the background.
Prompt 2: a strong, muscular man stands on a rocky mountain with a castle in the background. the man has a beard and muscular arms, wearing a black shirt. the scene has a dark blue color with a full moon in the sky, creating a fantasy atmosphere. the man stands alone on the boulder, surrounded by the cloudy sky.