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the jesus is sitting on the ground with a fire in his hands.



a man standing on a rock in the middle of a body of water while facing an image of a burning sun with fire. the man is in a meditative state with his eyes closed, and his body is facing the sun. the scene is surrounded by a dark forest with trees and other objects visible in the background. the overall atmosphere is peaceful and calm.




Date Created

March 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a man meditating on a rock in the middle of a body of water with an image of a burning sun in the background. the scene is surrounded by a dark forest with trees and other objects visible in the background. the atmosphere is peaceful and calm.
Prompt 2: depicts a man standing on a rock in the middle of a body of water, facing an image of a burning sun with fire. he is in a meditative state with his eyes closed, and the overall atmosphere is peaceful and calm. the scene is surrounded by a dark forest with trees and other objects visible in the background.