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couple hugging on the beach at sunset.

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a young man and woman standing on the beach at sunset. the woman is wearing a white dress, and the man is wearing a black shirt and white pants. they are embracing each other and looking at the camera. the sky is orange and pink, and there are palm trees in the background. the man has a tattoo on his arm, and the woman has a flower in her hair. is shot in a slow-motion effect, and the camera pans to show the beach and the couple. overall, it is a romantic and beautiful scene.




Date Created

March 15,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a romantic moment between a young couple on a beach at sunset. the man and woman are embracing and looking at the camera, with the woman wearing a white dress and the man wearing a black shirt and white pants. the sky is orange and pink, and there are palm trees in the background. the man has a tattoo on his arm, and the woman has a flower in her hair. is shot in a slow-motion effect, and the camera pans to show the beach and the couple. it is a beautiful and intimate scene.
Prompt 2: a young couple embracing on the beach at sunset. the woman wears a white dress, and the man wears a black shirt and white pants. they look into each other's eyes and smile. the sky is orange and pink, and there are palm trees in the background. it is a romantic and beautiful scene.