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a turtle swims in the water



a large aquarium filled with water and a green turtle swimming slowly. the turtle is surrounded by a school of fish and a brightly colored coral reef in the background. the scene changes to a close-up of the turtle's face, and the water is seen to be murky. the turtle is seen swimming in the water with a fish in its mouth. then shows the turtle swimming in the water with a school of fish swimming in front of it. ends with a close-up of the turtle's face, and the water is seen to be murky.




Date Created

October 30,2023Wj




1 ImageWj


Stable Diffusion
Stable Diffusion
Run Count 52183

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a large green turtle swimming in a clear water tank with a brightly colored coral reef in the background. the turtle is surrounded by a school of fish, and a fish is seen in the turtle's mouth. then shows a close-up of the turtle's face, and the water is seen to be murky. the turtle is seen swimming in the water with a school of fish swimming in front of it.
Prompt 2: a green turtle swimming in a large aquarium with a brightly colored coral reef in the background. the turtle is surrounded by a school of fish, and a fish is seen in the turtle's mouth. the water is seen to be murky, and the turtle is seen swimming in the water with a school of fish swimming in front of it.