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two bees flying over a crib.



features a baby crib with birds flying around it, with a window in the background. the birds are flying in and out of the crib, and some are perched on the bars. the scene is quite peaceful and serene, with the birds providing a soothing background to the baby's sleep. the crib is white and has a yellow mattress, while the birds are black and white.




Date Created

February 11,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: depicts a baby's crib with birds flying around it. the birds are perched on the bars of the crib and are flying in and out of it. the background is a window, giving a peaceful and serene atmosphere. the crib is white with a yellow mattress, while the birds are black and white.
Prompt 2: a baby's crib with black and white birds flying around it. the birds are perched on the crib's bars and are flying in and out. the background is a window, creating a peaceful and serene atmosphere. the crib is white with a yellow mattress, while the birds are black and white.