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a painting of a dragon surrounded by people

Vinicio Nunes


Apocalipse 12:7Houve, então, uma guerra nos céus. Miguel e seu exército de anjos lutaram contra o Dragão, ao que o Dragão com seus anjos revidaram. Contudo, estes não foram suficientemente poderosos e, dessa maneira, perderam seu lugar nos céus. Assim, o grande Dragão foi excluído para sempre. Ele é a antiga serpente chamada Diabo ou Satanás, que tem a capacidade de enganar o mundo inteiro. Ele e seus anjos foram lançados à terra.




Date Created

May 6,2024Wj




Run Count 840501

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a group of people fighting a dragon in a battle. the dragon is seen flying over the land, and the people are fighting with swords and arrows. the dragon is fierce and flies over the land, and the people are fighting with swords and arrows. the dragon is defeated, and the people celebrate their victory.
Prompt 2: a large dragon with wings spread wide, standing over a group of people who are lying on the ground. the dragon is surrounded by a group of people who are also lying on the ground. the dragon is seen flying over the people, and the sun is shining brightly in the sky. captures the majestic and powerful presence of the dragon as it soars above the people, creating a sense of awe and wonder. the dragon's wings are spread wide, and its scales glint in the sunlight, creating a stunning visual effect. the people lying on the ground seem to be in awe of the dragon's presence, and captures the moment of their interaction with the dragon. overall, showcases the beauty and power of the dragon, and the awe-inspiring moment of its interaction with the people.