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a group of people standing in front of a dragon

Vinicio Nunes


Apocalipse 12:7Houve, então, uma guerra nos céus. Miguel e seu exército de anjos lutaram contra o Dragão, ao que o Dragão com seus anjos revidaram. Contudo, estes não foram suficientemente poderosos e, dessa maneira, perderam seu lugar nos céus. Assim, o grande Dragão foi excluído para sempre. Ele é a antiga serpente chamada Diabo ou Satanás, que tem a capacidade de enganar o mundo inteiro. Ele e seus anjos foram lançados à terra.




Date Created

May 6,2024Wj




Run Count 840529

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: depicts a fierce battle between warriors and a dragon. the warriors are seen marching across the screen with swords in hand, while the dragon flies across the sky, attacking with its fiery breath. the dragon engulfs a man in flames, and the warriors try to fight back but ultimately fail. the dragon then flies away, leaving the defeated warriors behind. captures the intensity and danger of the battle, as the warriors fight to save themselves from the dragon's fiery wrath.
Prompt 2: a group of men standing on a hill, with a dragon flying in the sky. the dragon is seen in various positions, including flying over the men and the hill. also includes a scene of a man holding a sword, and a dragon flying over a mountain. the dragon in different colors, including red and orange. ends with a scene of a man standing on a hill.