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a green frog sitting on a rock next to flowers

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captures a green frog sitting on a stone, which blinks and smiles at the camera. the frog is the main subject of and it stays still throughout. 's main focus is on the frog's facial expressions and the way it interacts with the camera.




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a green frog sitting on a rock, surrounded by plants. the frog is seen looking at the camera and then back into the distance. showcases the beauty of the frog and its surroundings, highlighting the importance of protecting the environment for the well-being of all living creatures.
Prompt 2: a green frog sitting on a rock, surrounded by plants. the frog is seen sitting in various positions, including on a wooden table, a rock, and a leaf. the frog is also shown sitting on a stone in the water. captures the frog's movements and expressions, including its eyes, mouth, and legs. the frog is seen sitting in different positions, including on a rock, a leaf, and a wooden table. also shows the frog sitting on a stone in the water. overall, provides a detailed and vivid portrayal of the frog's movements and expressions.