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two green frogs sitting next to each other

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two green frog characters, each wearing a green shirt and sitting on a wooden block. the frogs are next to each other, facing opposite directions. one of the frogs has a green hat on its head, while the other has a green scarf around its neck. they both have green eyes and long green legs. concludes with the two frogs smiling and waving their hands.




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: two frog characters sitting on a wooden table and talking to the camera. they seem to be in a playful mood as they jump around and make funny faces. the frog on the left has a green body with two black dots for eyes, while the frog on the right has a green body with a black stripe on its head. the background shows a green-painted brick wall with a blue door and a window. the frog on the left has a green body with two black dots for eyes, while the frog on the right has a green body with a black stripe on its head. concludes with the two frogs sitting still on the table.
Prompt 2: two green frog toys sitting on a wooden table. they are positioned next to each other and appear to be looking at the camera. the frog toys are made of plastic and have a green color. the table is wooden and has a brown color. the background is not visible is shot in a close-up angle, and the frog toys are the main focus of is short and does not feature any other objects or characters.