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a painting of a man and woman standing next to each other



an elderly man and woman are seen walking along with some other characters. the woman is wearing a fur coat and a necklace. they are walking in front of some spacecrafts, and there is a spacecraft behind them. the woman is also wearing a ring. later, the woman is seen talking to a man, and they are both wearing suits. finally, they are both seen talking to each other while the man is holding a gun.




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a man and a woman dressed in fancy clothes, with the man wearing a hat and the woman wearing a pearl necklace. the man is seen smoking a cigarette while the woman is looking at him. the woman is then shown looking at the camera and laughing. ends with the woman looking back at the man.
Prompt 2: a man and a woman dressed in formal attire, with the woman wearing a pearl necklace. the man is wearing a suit and a hat, and the woman is wearing a dress. starts with the woman looking at the camera and then looking down. the man then appears and looks at the camera, and the woman looks down again. ends with the woman looking at the camera.