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a painting of a woman wearing a fur coat



a woman wearing a tiara and a white fur coat, standing in front of a fireplace. she is wearing a necklace and has red lipstick on her lips. the woman is staring at the camera, and she appears to be in a castle-like setting.




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: showcases a woman dressed in a fancy, old-fashioned costume, with a pearl necklace and long red hair. she in different positions, including standing in front of a window, sitting at a desk with a lamp, and standing against a wall with a necklace. the woman is also seen wearing a crown and a white dress. seems to be focused on her beauty and elegance in various settings.
Prompt 2: a woman dressed in a fancy white dress and a necklace with pearls. she is seen wearing a tiara and a necklace with pearls. the woman is depicted in various poses, including sitting and standing, and wearing a dress in different colors. also features a woman in a white dress and a tiara, and another woman in a white dress and a necklace. showcases the woman's beauty and elegance in different outfits and poses.