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a woman in a black jacket and pearls laughing



a woman who is seated at a table, laughing and smiling at the camera. she is wearing a black dress and has a pearl necklace on. the woman is also seen holding a wine glass and a fork. ends with the woman laughing and smiling at the camera.




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a woman singing at a table while other people are seated around her. she appears to be enjoying herself and is laughing while singing. also shows a cartoon woman singing and laughing at the table. the woman is wearing a black dress and has white pearls around her neck. has a christmas theme with a christmas tree visible in the background.
Prompt 2: a woman who is seen sitting at a table and speaking to others. she is also seen holding a piece of food in her mouth. the woman then begins to dance around while still holding the piece of food in her mouth. she continues to dance around the table while others watch on. overall, showcases a woman's playful and energetic personality.