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the inside of a library with a pentagram on the floor

Anton Vasilyev


Spin your tales and weave your dark lies,so you can hide the truth, i see with my eyes. Shadows cloak your riddles so deep, you think you're slyCause this game you never lose. but this I do defy. I can feel your pulse and it's fears, and as your clarity looms. Riddle me, please tell me why...I can feel your pulse it shows me your fears, and as my clarity looms my doubt disappears. So give me the truth and please tell me why. Riddle me, please - so I can decide




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: showcases a large and dark room with a star-shaped floor plan. the room is lit up with candles, and a man and a woman are standing in the middle of the room. the man is wearing a black robe, and the woman is wearing a white robe. they are both holding a black and white wand. the room has a star-shaped floor plan, and the man and woman are standing in the middle of the room. the room is lit up with candles, and the man and woman are holding a black and white wand. is a representation of a magical and mystical world.
Prompt 2: an intricate display of lit-up stars and a circle with a pentagram in the center, which is then surrounded by more lit-up stars. the camera zooms in on the design, and there are people in the middle. ends with a person walking away. the visuals are mesmerizing and showcase the beauty of a magical and mystical place.