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a black and white photo of a man walking in a crowd

Efra Siyab


depicts a large group of people standing outside a building with many others lining up around them. the people in the front are dressed in suits, while those in the back are wearing ties. a man in a suit is leading the group, and others are walking out in front of him. the overall scene conveys a sense of formality and organization.




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a man in a suit walking down a set of stairs and shaking hands with other men. the men are standing and talking to each other, and the man in the suit walks away. showcases a man in a suit walking down stairs and shaking hands with other men, indicating a formal or professional setting. the men are standing and talking to each other, suggesting a social or business gathering. the man in the suit walks away, indicating that he is leaving the gathering. provides a glimpse into a formal or professional setting, with the man in the suit as the central figure.
Prompt 2: a group of men walking down a hallway, and one of them is holding a cane. the men are wearing suits and ties, and they are all dressed in formal attire. as they walk, they are joined by others who are also dressed in formal wear. the men continue to walk down the hallway, and the camera captures their movements as they move along. provides a glimpse into a formal event or gathering, with the men dressed in their finest clothing. is short, but it effectively conveys the formality and elegance of the occasion.