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a black and white photo of a man holding a hat

Efra Siyab


a man in a suit holding a flag and waving it while standing in front of a building. he is joined by other men in suits who also wave the flag. the men are seen in various positions, including standing in front of a building and on a street. also shows a man in a suit holding a phone and a man in a suit holding a camera. the men are seen in different positions, including standing in front of a building and on a street.




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a man in a suit and tie holding a flower and waving it to the camera. he is surrounded by other men in suits and ties, and they all wave to the camera. seems to be a celebration of some kind, with the men dressed in formal attire. the man with the flower seems to be the center of attention, as he is the one waving to the camera. is short and lacks context, but it seems to capture a joyful moment that is being shared by the group of men.
Prompt 2: a man wearing a suit and hat who is holding a flower and waving to the camera. he is surrounded by other men dressed in suits and hats. the man is seen waving to the camera and holding a flower in his hand. captures the man's movements and gestures as he interacts with the camera.