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a woman with a big smile sitting at a table



a woman in a black dress sitting at a table in a restaurant with a man in a suit. the woman is seen laughing and smiling, and the man is drinking wine. there is also a woman in a white dress sitting at a table with a man in a suit, and a woman in a black dress and pearls sitting at a table with a wine glass. ends with a woman in a black dress laughing and smiling.




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a woman who is initially seen sitting at a table with a wine glass, smiling and talking. she then proceeds to eat a spoonful of food, which appears to be a delicious dessert. the woman's facial expressions and body language convey a sense of enjoyment and satisfaction as she savors the taste of the dessert. overall, showcases a woman indulging in a delightful dessert and enjoying the experience.
Prompt 2: a woman who laughing and smiling while sitting at a table with a wine glass. she is then animated and shown in a cartoon form, where she is seen laughing and smiling again. ends with the woman laughing and smiling once more.