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a picture of a man in a suit and hat

ines martin


"create an animation where the character stands up to salute. Ensure the movement is smooth and natural, with an upright posture and a friendly expression. Add subtle details like a raised hand or a nod of the head to reinforce the saluting gesture. Make sure the animation reflects the character's personality and the mood of the scene."




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a man wearing a suit and a red hat, who is seen sitting on a bench and holding a card in his hand. the man is also seen standing in front of a green wall and wearing a white jacket. captures the man's movements and actions in different positions and settings.
Prompt 2: a man dressed in a suit and hat, holding a cell phone in his hand. the man is seen standing in front of a green wall, and he is wearing a red hat. also shows a cartoon of the man, and he is seen holding a cigarette in his hand. the man is also seen holding a cell phone in his hand, and he is wearing a white coat.