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a black and white photo of a man on a horse

Efra Siyab


a man riding a black horse in a field, talking on a phone. the man is wearing a black coat and a black hat. the horse is standing still while the man is talking on the phone. the field is surrounded by trees, and there are other horses in the background. the man seems to be enjoying the peaceful surroundings while talking on the phone.




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: showcases a man riding a black horse in a field, with other horses and people in the background. the man is seen talking on a phone while riding the horse, and the horse is tied to a post. also features a man in a suit and hat standing next to a horse, and a man in a suit and hat standing next to a horse in a field. captures the essence of horse riding and the beauty of nature.
Prompt 2: a man riding on a black horse. he is wearing a black shirt and a turban on his head. the horse is walking around in a field with other horses in the background. the man is seen talking on a cell phone while riding the horse. the horse is wearing a saddle and bridle, and the man seems to be comfortable riding it. the man continues riding the horse and talking on his phone. the field is vast and open, and the sky is clear with a few clouds in the distance. the man's horse seems to be well-trained and calm, allowing him to ride around while talking on his phone. overall, captures a peaceful moment of a man riding his horse and enjoying the beautiful scenery around him while talking on his phone.