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a stock chart with gold bars on it

Thanh Sơn Phùng


a screen displaying a graph of a stock market, with the word "gold" written in the middle. the screen then switches to a screen displaying the stock market, with the word "gold" written in the middle. then shows a screen displaying the stock market, with the word "gold" written in the middle. ends with a screen displaying the stock market, with the word "gold" written in the middle. is a simple display of the stock market, with the word "gold" written in the middle of each screen.




Date Created

May 17,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a computer screen displaying a graph of a stock market. the screen then shows a golden coin being minted, and the graph continues to show the stock market going up and down. ends with the screen displaying a golden coin.
Prompt 2: a graph with gold and purple colors, and a large golden coin that rotates. also features a computer screen with a graph and a large golden coin on the screen, as well as a computer graph with a gold coin on it. conveys the idea of wealth and abundance.