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two girls hugging each other in front of a blue curtain

James Patrick Maming


Two people are approaching each other and hugging each other. The left person is Hugging the right person.




Date Created

October 15,2024Wj



Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: two girls, one in a yellow shirt and the other in a black shirt, posing for the camera. they are seen hugging each other and smiling. also includes a scene of a woman in a yellow shirt holding a baby. seems to be showcasing the friendship between the two girls and their love for each other. the contrasting colors of the shirts and the different backgrounds make visually appealing. overall, portrays a heartwarming and positive message of friendship and love.
Prompt 2: two women, one in a yellow shirt and the other in a black shirt, who are holding each other and smiling. the woman in the yellow shirt is wearing a watch on her left wrist, while the woman in the black shirt is wearing a ring on her left hand. the woman in the yellow shirt is also wearing a necklace around her neck. ends with the woman in the yellow shirt holding the woman in the black shirt.