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a group of people are in a hospital room



a group of doctors and nurses are standing in a hospital room with several hospital beds. the room is dimly lit, and there are several windows visible from the room. the doctors and nurses are dressed in white lab coats, and they seem to be in a state of high alert. captures a few moments of them standing around the beds, looking at something on the floor. there are several medical instruments and tools visible in the room, and the overall atmosphere is tense and serious. lasts for about six seconds, and it appears to be a scene from a medical drama or thriller.




Date Created

January 1,2024Wj




1 ImageWj


DreamShaper XL1.0
DreamShaper XL1.0
alpha2 (xl1.0)
Run Count 1014911

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: doctors and nurses are standing in a hospital room with several hospital beds. they seem to be in a state of high alert, and the atmosphere is tense and serious. captures them standing around the beds, looking at something on the floor, and there are several medical instruments and tools visible in the room.
Prompt 2: doctors and nurses are standing in a hospital room with several hospital beds. they are dressed in white lab coats and seem to be in a state of high alert. the room is dimly lit, and there are several windows visible from the room. the doctors and nurses are standing around the beds, looking at something on the floor, and there are several medical instruments and tools visible in the room. the overall atmosphere is tense and serious.