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the joker is holding a bloody knife in his mouth



a scene of a vampire biting a person's neck. the vampire is wearing a white shirt and black pants, and its face is bloodied. the person being bitten looks terrified and is covered in blood. there is also a black dog in the scene. throughout the vampire continues to bite the person, and the scene becomes more intense and violent. ends with the vampire finishing its meal and walking away. overall, the scene is quite dark and ominous, and it gives off an intense and suspenseful vibe.




Date Created

January 1,2024Wj




1 ImageWj


DreamShaper XL1.0
DreamShaper XL1.0
alpha2 (xl1.0)
Run Count 1014911

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a vampire bites a person's neck in a dark and suspenseful scene. the vampire wears a white shirt and black pants and has blood on its face. the person being bitten is covered in blood and looks terrified. the scene becomes more intense and violent as the vampire continues to bite, and ends with the vampire finishing its meal and walking away.
Prompt 2: a vampire bites a person's neck in a dark and suspenseful scene. the vampire wears a white shirt and black pants, and its face is bloodied. the person being bitten looks terrified and is covered in blood. ends with the vampire finishing its meal and walking away.