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moss on the bark of a tree.

Павел Каминский


a close-up of green moss covering a bark of a tree. the moss is dense and has a smooth texture. the bark of the tree is dark and rough, providing a nice contrast to the moss. there is a small drop of water on the bark that reflects the light. the scene is shot in a dark environment with the moss and tree standing out against the dark background.




Date Created

March 9,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a close-up of dense green moss covering the bark of a dark tree. the moss has a smooth texture and a small drop of water reflects light on the bark. shot in a dark environment with the moss and tree standing out against the background.
Prompt 2: a close-up of dense green moss covering a dark tree's bark. the moss has a smooth texture, and a small drop of water reflects light on the bark. the scene is shot in a dark environment, providing a stark contrast between the green moss and the dark bark.