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aerial view of the israeli desert.

Павел Каминский


a vast desert landscape with mountains in the background, with a small plane flying over it. the mountains are brown and have a rugged appearance, with the sky being a mix of cloudy and clear. also shows a small road winding through the mountains, with a few trees and rocks scattered around. there is also a large sandy area with a small building in the distance. overall, captures the beauty and vastness of the desert landscape.




Date Created

March 9,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a stunning desert landscape with rugged mountains in the background and a small plane flying over it. the mountains are brown with a mix of cloudy and clear sky. there is a small road that winds through the mountains, with a few trees and rocks scattered around. a large sandy area with a small building in the distance adds to the beauty of the landscape.
Prompt 2: displays a vast desert landscape with rugged mountains in the background and a small plane flying overhead. the landscape is brown, and the sky is mostly cloudy. a small road winds through the mountains, and there are a few scattered rocks and trees. the scene is breathtaking, with a large sandy area in the distance.