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a painting of a man with long hair and a skull necklace



a blue skeleton warrior holding a skull necklace and standing in front of a purple background. the warrior is wearing a skull-adorned loincloth and has white bones on his back. showcases different characters in various positions, including a blue skeleton standing in the sky, a blue skeleton warrior holding a skull necklace, and a blue skeleton warrior with a skull on his back. also features a blue skeleton warrior with a skull on his back and a blue skull on a purple background. overall, showcases the creative and imaginative world of skeleton warriors.



Move AnimatorWj

Date Created

March 28,2024Wj



Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a blue and orange man with a skull necklace and a skull-shaped pendant on his chest. he is standing in front of a purple background and is wearing a skull-shaped necklace. the man wearing a blue shirt and orange pants while standing in front of a purple background. also features a person with a skull on their shirt, and a man with a skull on his shirt is seen standing in front of a purple background.
Prompt 2: a blue shirtless man with a skull necklace and a skull headband, standing in front of a purple background. the man appears to be in a trance-like state. also features a woman with long black hair and a blue shirt, who is seen standing in front of a computer screen. the woman's hair is flowing in the wind, and she is wearing a necklace. ends with the woman appearing to be in pain.