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a man and a woman sitting in chairs looking at their phones



a man and a woman sitting in chairs and looking at their cell phones. the man is wearing a suit, while the woman is wearing a white dress. the man is seen texting on his phone, and the woman is also texting. the man is wearing glasses, and the woman is wearing a necklace. the man is seen holding a cell phone, and the woman is also holding a cell phone. the man is wearing a tie, and the woman is wearing a bracelet. the man is seen looking at his phone, and the woman is also looking at her phone. the man is wearing a ring, and the woman is wearing a ring. the man is seen typing on his phone, and the woman is also typing on her phone. the man is wearing a watch, and the woman is also wearing a watch. the man is seen smiling, and the woman is also smiling. the man is wearing a suit, and the woman is also wearing a dress. the man is seen looking at the camera, and the woman is also looking at the camera.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a man and a woman sitting in chairs, each using their cell phones. the man is wearing a blue suit and glasses, while the woman is wearing a white dress. the man is seen texting on his phone, while the woman is looking at her phone. the man then stands up and walks away, leaving the woman sitting in the chair.
Prompt 2: a man and woman sitting in two different chairs, each using their cell phones. they appear to be texting or browsing. the man is wearing a suit and glasses, while the woman is wearing a white dress. ends with the woman getting up from her chair and walking away.