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an iphone with a cracked screen sitting on top of rocks



a cracked phone screen with a picture of a mountain landscape displayed on it. the phone is placed on a rocky surface, and the cracked screen is visible throughout




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: begins with a cracked cell phone screen being held up to the camera. the screen is filled with a beautiful mountain landscape. the cracked screen appears to be a result of the phone falling and breaking. then shows the phone being held up to the camera once again, this time with a crack in the screen. the cracked screen is held up to the camera again, and the phone being held up to the camera once more. the cracked screen is held up to the camera for a final time, and the phone being held up to the camera again. overall, showcases the beauty of the mountain landscape while also highlighting the consequences of a broken cell phone screen.
Prompt 2: a phone screen with a cracked glass showing a beautiful mountain range in the background. the phone's screen is unresponsive, and the cracked glass appears to be making it difficult to view the screen. the cracked glass also appears to be causing difficulties in operating the phone. despite these obstacles, the scenic beauty in the background is still awe-inspiring.