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a large group of people walking down a city street



captures a large crowd of people walking down a street while all of them are looking at their cell phones. the people are dressed in various colors, and the street is bustling with activity. the crowd is diverse, with people of all ages and backgrounds. also shows some individuals looking up from their phones, and it is possible to see the expressions on their faces. the overall atmosphere is one of busyness and distraction, with people constantly checking their phones and not paying attention to their surroundings.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: depicts a large group of people gathered in a city square, all looking at and using their cell phones. the crowd is diverse, with people of different ages and genders, all focused on their screens. some individuals are using their phones to text, while others are browsing social media, playing games, or watching videos. the overall atmosphere is one of leisure and relaxation, as people take a break from their daily routines to enjoy some downtime with their phones. provides a glimpse into the modern-day reliance on technology and the impact it has on our lives.
Prompt 2: captures a large crowd of people walking around a city. the scene is bustling with activity and noise. people are seen using their cell phones while navigating the crowd. the camera pans around, showing the sheer size of the crowd, and the people's engagement with their phones. provides a glimpse of the daily life in a busy city where people are constantly connected to their devices.