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a person holding up a cell phone with a picture of a woman on it

Vinicios De Mirais


a woman smoking a cigarette while looking at the camera. she is surrounded by a group of people who are also smoking. the woman then puts her cigarette out on her hand and continues to smoke. captures the woman's smoking habits and the social aspect of smoking among a group of people.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a diverse group of people going about their daily lives. in the first scene, a woman is seen taking a selfie, and in another scene, a man on the phone. throughout various groups of people are captured in different settings, including on public transportation. in one scene, a woman is seen sitting next to a man on a bus, and in another, a man is standing on a subway platform. a woman with a child is seen laughing, while a man with a beard is seen on the phone. overall, provides insight into the lives of various people in different situations.
Prompt 2: a woman who is seen talking to the camera and then looking at the camera. she is then shown with a group of people who are also looking at the camera. the woman then looks at the camera again and smiles. seems to be a casual and friendly interaction between the woman and the group of people. the setting is not clear, but the woman appears to be in a relaxed and comfortable environment. overall, seems to be a simple and friendly interaction between the woman and the group of people.