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the bride and groom kissed on the cobblestone street at sunset.

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a bride and groom standing in a city street at sunset. the bride is wearing a white dress, and the groom is wearing a black suit. they are standing in the rain, and the sun is setting behind them. the scene is very romantic, and the couple looks happy and in love. is short, and there are not many details, but it gives a good idea of the atmosphere of the moment.




Date Created

March 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a bride and groom standing in a city street at sunset. the bride is wearing a white dress, and the groom is wearing a black suit. they are standing in the rain, and the sun is setting behind them. the scene is very romantic, and the couple looks happy and in love. is short, and there are not many details, but it gives a good idea of the atmosphere of the moment. the bride and groom are standing close together, and the groom is holding the bride's hand.
Prompt 2: a bride and groom standing in a city street at sunset. the bride is wearing a white dress, and the groom is wearing a black suit. they are standing in the rain, and the sun is setting behind them. the scene is very romantic, and the couple looks happy and in love.