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a cat with a muscled body poses in front of a building.

xiaogang xie


a muscular cat in a city street. the cat is wearing a red vest and holding a paintbrush in its paws. it is standing in front of a building with a cityscape in the background. the cat has a distinctive orange and white coloring and appears to be in a pose of concentration or contemplation. the scene is in black and white, giving it a classic and timeless feel.




Date Created

March 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a muscular cat standing in a city street, wearing a red vest and holding a paintbrush in its paws. the cat is standing in front of a building with a cityscape in the background, and appears to be concentrating or contemplating its surroundings.
Prompt 2: depicts a muscular orange cat in a city street, holding a paintbrush in its paws and standing in front of a building with a cityscape in the background. the cat's distinctive coloring and pose give it a dramatic and eye-catching appearance.