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indian rupee graph

Thanh Sơn Phùng


showcases a city skyline with a blue background and a white arrow pointing upwards. then transitions to an animated city with a white arrow pointing upwards and blue and white arrows pointing downwards. then shows a large blue and white graph with arrows pointing upwards. finally, displays a large blue and white graph with a white arrow pointing downwards.




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a blue city with a dollar sign and a clock. a white arrow is pointing upwards next to a white square. a blue and white square and a blue box with a dollar sign are also present. ends with a blue and white box with a white square and a white arrow.
Prompt 2: displays various financial symbols and charts, including a white and blue balance scale, a white and blue dollar sign, and a blue and white bar graph. then goes on to show an animation of a city with blue skyscrapers and a chart of a stock market. finally, ends with a white title screen that reads "animation".