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a frog sitting in a pond surrounded by flowers

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a green frog sitting in a pond, surrounded by rocks and plants. the frog is seen looking at the camera and then looking away. also shows the frog sitting in a bowl of water and a pond with a rock wall. the frog is seen in different positions, including sitting on rocks and in the water. captures the beauty of nature and the peacefulness of the pond.




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: showcases a green frog sitting in a pond surrounded by rocks and plants. the frog is captured in various close-up shots as it sits on the edge of the pond, looks forward, and makes sounds. the frog also changes its position and looks around while sitting in the pond. depicts a peaceful and serene environment with the frog being the main subject.
Prompt 2: a green frog sitting in a pond, surrounded by rocks and plants. the frog is seen sitting in the water, looking around, and then sitting with his eyes closed. captures the peaceful and serene nature of the frog's environment, with the water providing a natural habitat for the frog. the rocks and plants in the background add to the natural beauty of the scene. is a great example of the importance of preserving natural habitats for wildlife.