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a flock of birds flying in the sky

Đỗ Văn Linh


captures a large flock of birds flying in the sky, with some birds flying solo and others in pairs. the birds are seen in various positions, some flying high in the sky while others are closer to the ground. the sky is a deep blue color with some clouds visible in the background. the birds are all black in color and can be seen flying in different directions. captures the beauty of the birds in flight and the vastness of the sky.




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: showcases a large flock of birds flying in the sky. the birds are seen in various positions, from flying close together to flying alone. the sky is blue with some clouds, and the birds are flying in different directions. captures the beauty and freedom of the birds as they soar through the air.
Prompt 2: showcases a large flock of birds flying in the sky. the camera captures the birds from different angles, and the viewer can see their wings flapping in the wind. the birds are flying in a cloudy sky, and the camera follows them as they move around. provides a serene and peaceful view of the birds flying in the sky.