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a frog sitting in a flower pot surrounded by leaves

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a frog sitting in a pond, surrounded by plants and rocks. in addition, there is a green frog sitting on a stone in the water. also includes a stone frog on a well, a frog sitting on a stone in a pond, and a frog sitting on a leaf in a pond. concludes with a green frog sitting in a water well. showcases the beauty of nature and the serene environment of a pond with different types of frogs.




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a green frog sitting in a bowl of water, surrounded by leaves. the frog appears to be enjoying the water and looking at the camera. showcases the beauty of nature and the peacefulness of the frog's environment.
Prompt 2: a green frog sitting in a bowl of water, surrounded by leaves. the frog appears to be looking at the camera and making faces. the water in the bowl is clear and still, and the frog seems to be relaxed and comfortable in its environment. the leaves around the frog are green and healthy looking, and the overall scene is peaceful and serene. the frog's facial expressions add a playful and lighthearted touch to making it an enjoyable and visually pleasing experience.