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two women with long red hair sitting next to each other

Antonia Nicoleta


a woman with red hair styling another woman's hair. she combs and brushes the hair, and then applies makeup to the woman's face. the woman with red hair then poses for the camera.




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: depicts a woman applying makeup to another woman while they both sit in a chair. the woman applying makeup is wearing a red hoodie and from several angles. the woman receiving the makeup is wearing a red shirt, and her hair is being styled with a curling iron. also shows a man in a black shirt sitting on a couch, and a woman in a red shirt standing in front of a mirror.
Prompt 2: a woman with red hair who is seen applying makeup to another woman. the woman with red hair has long hair that she brushes and parts in the middle. she then applies makeup to the other woman, who has blonde hair and is wearing a red shirt. the woman with red hair is very meticulous and careful with the makeup application, ensuring that every detail is perfect. ends with the woman with red hair showing off the makeup on the other woman. overall, is a detailed and vivid demonstration of makeup application.