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a man and a woman sitting in chairs looking at their phones



two people sitting in a room, each using a cell phone. the woman is wearing a white dress and is seen texting on her phone. the man is wearing a suit and is also seen texting on his phone. the room is decorated with pink flowers, and ends with the woman standing up and walking away.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: portrays a man and woman sitting in separate pink chairs, both looking at their cell phones. the man is wearing a blue suit while the woman is wearing a white dress. the camera pans from the man to the woman, and vice versa, capturing their focused expressions as they text. the man then stands up and walks towards the woman, who is still seated, and they both smile at each other. the camera then pans to the woman, who is now standing, and she puts down her phone. the man and woman then sit back down in their chairs, and ends with the man and woman both smiling.
Prompt 2: a man and a woman sitting in chairs, each using their cellphones. the man is wearing a suit, while the woman is wearing a white dress. the man is texting a message, while the woman is searching on her phone. the scene takes place in a room with a pink background and a vase with flowers. highlights the modern-day dependence on cellphones and how it affects people's lives.