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a man and a woman sitting on the floor looking at their phones



a man and a woman sitting on a couch and looking at their cell phones. they are both smiling and seem to be enjoying their time together. the woman is wearing a white shirt, and the man is wearing a red shirt. the woman is holding a red cell phone, while the man is holding a pink cell phone. the woman is also wearing glasses. the background of is orange, and there is a red and white pillow on the couch. seems to be a casual and relaxed moment between friends or a couple.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a man and a woman are seen sitting next to each other, using their cell phones. the man is wearing glasses and the woman is wearing a pink t-shirt. they are seated on a bright orange background, and the man is wearing a white t-shirt. the woman appears to be happy as she looks off into the distance. the man and the woman are also holding their cell phones in their hands as they sit. overall, seems to be a casual scene of two people using their cell phones while sitting next to each other.
Prompt 2: a man and a woman sitting on a couch and holding a red cell phone. the woman is wearing glasses. they both touch the cell phone's screen at the same time, which leads to them smiling at each other. they then pose for the camera while holding the cell phone together. the woman is wearing a white shirt, and the man is wearing a pink shirt. mainly focuses on the interaction between the man and the woman and their shared experience with the red cell phone.