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a man and a woman sitting in chairs looking at their phones



depicts a man and a woman sitting in pink chairs, both using their cell phones. they are dressed in formal attire and seem to be in a professional setting. the woman is wearing a white dress and the man is wearing a blue suit. both are looking at their phones, seemingly focused on their screens. captures the contrast between the man and the woman, who is wearing a ring on her finger. overall, seems to focus on the use of cell phones in a professional setting.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a man and a woman sitting in pink chairs, texting on their cell phones. the woman is wearing a white dress, and the man is wearing a blue suit. the man is also wearing glasses. the woman is seen looking at her phone, and the man is seen looking at his phone. ends with the woman looking at her phone.
Prompt 2: two people sitting on chairs and using their cell phones. one person is wearing a suit and tie, while the other is wearing a white dress. the man in the suit is seen texting, while the woman in the dress is seen typing on her phone. captures the contrast between the two individuals and their use of technology.