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a woman running on the beach with a cell phone in her hand



showcases a woman running along a beach in an orange shirt while being recorded with a cell phone. as she continues running, she looks at her phone, possibly checking her progress or listening to music. despite the distraction, she remains focused on her task, and the serene beach scenery adds to the overall feeling of tranquility and accomplishment.




Date Created

March 28,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a woman running on a beach while holding her phone. she is wearing a red shirt and blue shorts. the woman is seen running on the beach and then stops to talk to the camera. she then runs again and stops to talk to the camera. also shows the woman running on the beach with her phone in her hand. the woman is seen running on the beach with her phone in her hand and then stops to talk to the camera. captures the woman's running and talking to the camera while on the beach.
Prompt 2: a woman running on the beach while holding her phone. she is wearing a red shirt and blue shorts. the woman is also seen running in the water while holding her phone. showcases the woman's athletic abilities and her ability to multitask. the beach setting provides a beautiful backdrop for