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a woman holding a sword in front of a group of robots

Antonia Nicoleta


a woman with red hair and a black outfit is seen holding a sword and pointing it towards several other men with swords. a man in a black cape is also seen holding a sword in front of her. the woman then points the sword towards the camera and smiles.




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a woman dressed in medieval armor and holding a sword. she is standing in front of a group of men dressed in the same armor. the woman is holding the sword in both hands and appears to be ready to use it. the men are standing behind her, and they all seem to be wearing the same armor. the woman's armor is shiny and appears to be made of metal. the men are also wearing metal helmets and appear to be wearing the same type of armor. the woman's armor is also shiny and appears to be made of metal. seems to be a scene from a medieval movie or a reenactment.
Prompt 2: a woman with red hair holding a sword and pointing it at a group of men. she then proceeds to stab them all, and ends with her walking away.