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a man holding a bow in front of a group of people

Antonia Nicoleta


a man holding a bow and arrow, surrounded by a crowd of people. he shoots an arrow, and the crowd disappears. the man is then seen walking down a hallway, where he encounters more people. he shoots an arrow, and they all disappear. the man continues to shoot arrows, and the people keep disappearing. captures the man's ability to use the bow and arrow to eliminate people from his surroundings.




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a man holding a bow and arrow, aiming at a group of people who are also holding bows and arrows. the man fires the arrow, and the people fall to the ground.
Prompt 2: showcases a man dressed in a black suit holding a bow and arrow, standing in front of a crowd of people. he shoots an arrow towards a man in the crowd, and the man falls down. the man then shoots another arrow, and the crowd starts to panic. the man in the black suit then shoots three arrows, and the crowd starts to scatter. then shows a man in a black suit walking through a crowd of people.