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a painting of a woman with long red hair

Antonia Nicoleta


a woman with red hair who is wearing a black leather jacket and a black dress. she is seen in various positions, including standing in front of a window, sitting on a bed, and standing in front of a mirror. in one scene, she is seen holding a knife while standing in front of a mirror. the woman is also seen standing in front of a pool and in front of a door. ends with the woman standing in front of a window.




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a woman with red hair who is wearing a black leather jacket and is seen in different positions, including standing in front of a window, sitting on a bed, and standing in front of a mirror. the woman is also seen standing in front of a pool and looking out a window. ends with the woman being shown in a black and white photo.
Prompt 2: a woman with red hair who is wearing a black leather jacket and a black dress. she is seen standing in front of a pool and looking off into the distance. the woman is also seen wearing a black dress and a black jacket while standing in front of a window. also features a woman with red hair who is wearing a black dress and a black jacket while standing in front of a window.