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a man laying on the floor with his eyes closed

Antonia Nicoleta


a man with tattoos smoking a cigarette while lying on a bed with a bottle of wine and a glass. he appears to be enjoying himself and is surrounded by various items, including a vase, a book, and a remote control. the man's tattoos and the items around him add to the overall atmosphere of




Date Created

May 14,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a man with tattoos and a black shirt lying on a bed. he is smoking a cigarette and looking at the camera. the man is also seen holding a knife and a bottle of wine. showcases the man's unique style and personality.
Prompt 2: a man lying on a table with his hands on his chest. he is smoking a cigarette and looking at the camera. the man is wearing a black shirt and has tattoos on his arms. the background is dimly lit with a few candles and a bottle of wine. the man is seen smoking in different positions, including lying on the floor and sitting on a chair. ends with the man lying on the floor with his hands on his chest.