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a close up of an alien with glowing eyes

brutal trap mix brutal


a close-up of a face with green eyes and a mouth, which then transitions to a robotic face with a mouth and a green light. then shows a close-up of a robotic face with a mouth and a green light, followed by a close-up of a robotic face with a mouth and a green light. ends with a close-up of a robotic face with a mouth and a green light.




Date Created

May 19,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a close-up of a creature with glowing eyes, followed by a man in a suit walking down a hallway. the camera then zooms in on a large, dark creature with a glowing green eye. ends with the closing credits.
Prompt 2: showcases a close-up of a creature with a green glowing eye, and it moves its head back and forth. the creature has a long neck and a mouth with sharp teeth. also features a close-up of a black and white cat with green eyes, and a close-up of a black and white dog with a green glowing eye.