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a close up of a scary looking robot with red eyes

brutal trap mix brutal


a robot with glowing red eyes, a mouth, and a metal face. the robot in various positions, including standing in front of a wall, a building, and a dark background. the robot's face is illuminated by red lights, and it appears to be staring at the camera. showcases the robot in different settings and positions, highlighting its unique features and design.




Date Created

May 19,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a close-up of a robot with red eyes and glowing red mouth. the robot from various angles and positions, and its red eyes and mouth are the main focus. ends with a close-up of the robot's face.
Prompt 2: a robot with red eyes and glowing red mouth standing in front of a building. the robot has a metal mask and is equipped with a large metal hand. also shows the robot's mechanical limbs and gears. the robot's eyes glow red as it stares at the camera, and ends with a close-up of the robot's face. showcases the robot's impressive mechanical features and its glowing red eyes.