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a close up of a robot with glowing red eyes

brutal trap mix brutal


a close-up of a robot with its eyes glowing red, and it appears to be staring at the camera. the robot's face is made up of mechanical parts, and it has a menacing look on its face. the background is dark, and the robot's glowing eyes stand out against the darkness. 's overall tone is intense and ominous, with the robot's glowing eyes serving as a focal point.




Date Created

May 19,2024Wj




1 ImageWj

Recommended Prompt

Prompt 1: a close-up of a robot's face, which then transitions to a full view of the robot. the robot's face is illuminated with red eyes, and it appears to be staring directly at the camera. the robot's face is made of metal and has a metallic texture. the background is dark, and there are no other objects or people visible. the robot's face is the main focus of and it appears to be the only object in the frame. the red eyes give the robot a menacing and intimidating appearance, and the close-up shot of the face allows for a detailed view of the robot's features. overall, showcases a robot with a unique and striking appearance.
Prompt 2: a close-up shot of a robot with its eyes glowing red, and it seems to be moving its head. the robot's face is not clearly visible, but it appears to be a futuristic-looking machine with a metallic body. the lighting is dim, and the background is blurry, making it difficult to discern the location. the robot seems to be moving its head in a deliberate manner, as if it is searching for something. overall, captures a mysterious and intriguing scene, leaving the viewer curious about what the robot is looking for and what its purpose is.